Delusion With Coffeeatches

(Acrylics: 22X28)

Delusion with Coffee

I’m walking down a street. I know I have been here many times before but I don’t really know where it is, this place. I see a familiar building and a large door with an archway. I have been through that door but don’t remember where it leads. I want a cup of coffee and I know I can get one in the building so I walk through the door. The aroma of coffee is strong and I follow it as I climb stairs to another floor. I see an open door and the coffee aroma seems to be coming from that room. I enter the room and see a freshly brewed pot of coffee. There is no one around so I walk toward the corner where the coffee is on some kind of table. I notice nothing unusual about the room excepting that the furnishings seem like antiques. I turn my back on the room and pour a cup of coffee. I take a sip and turn around at the sound of movement.
The room is transformed. There are no furnishings; there is an opening in the floor with a ladder. The doorway is gone and in its place is a void, a black hole. I have the sense that the walls, the floor, and the door are all alive in some way. Nothing is as it was when I first entered the room.
I wake up.


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Site and Images by: W. Okanovic